The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) says it will launch an investigation after receiving a complaint that tenants of an upmarket estate in Midrand were threatened that unless they were vaccinated their lease would be terminated.
The company responsible for the estate says the communique was not meant to force any of its tenants to vaccinate but was addressed to people, mostly security officers in communal living quarters who do not want to commute to their homes every day, while on duty.
When the COVID-19 vaccination programme began, President Cyril Ramaphosa said no one would be forced to be inoculated.
“Nobody will be given this vaccine against their will nor will the vaccine be administered in some corners. Any rumours to this effect are both false and dangerous. And we would like to ask those who are spreading these rumoUrs to stop,” said the President in February.
In the video below, the President assured the nation that no one will be forced to take the vaccine:
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