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A menopause revolution is stirring in Africa – I’m helping it to succeed | Sue Mbaya

ICYMI: A few brave women are speaking up, but it will take research, funding and policies to foster better support

Read more: ‘Me and my menopause’: a view from women around the world

It was a time when my work involved long, intellectually and emotionally demanding days. I was distracted by tasks and conversations that required my full attention, but eventually acknowledged the episodes of headaches, anxiety and irritating lapses in concentration. Like an epiphany, the word “menopause” flashed across my mind. A panicked Google search confirmed the high prospects of my candidacy.

I asked myself how it was possible for a modern, well-educated woman to be so uninformed about a certainty with potential to significantly affect my life. That question compelled me to create platforms for candid conversations about menopause in pursuit of a future where African women receive the information and support they deserve. Continue reading…

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